Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck
Las herraduras no son solo para la buena suerte
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck
Realistic (fiction), 1,225 words, Spanish Level Q (Grade 3), Lexile 830L
Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck is a realistic fictional book written in the first person. A child is visiting Gram (Great-grandmother) at the seashore over summer vacation. Living in a Victorian beach town is quite a contrast to the child's usual life in the busy city. The child learns about life at the beach and becomes especially interested in horseshoe crabs.
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Lesson Resources
Lesson plans exist for the English version of this book.
Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Use the reading strategy of visualizing to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class