Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali et Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou
Cali and Wanda Lou
Fantasy (fiction), 1,587 words, Level T (Grade 3)
Cali and Wanda Lou is a story about a girl and her stuffed calico cat, told from the perspective of Cali the cat. The two take adventurous trips to faraway places, such as Tokyo, Beijing, and Bangkok. Students will enjoy learning about the interesting sites Cali and Wanda Lou visit. Photographs and illustrations enhance the text.
Lesson Resources
Lesson plans exist for the English version of this book.
Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Use the reading strategy of asking and answering questions to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class