The Mill Girl
La muchacha de la fábrica de tejidos
The Mill Girl
The Mill Girl
The Mill Girl
The Mill Girl
The Mill Girl
Historical (fiction), 2,092 words, Level Z1 (Grade 5+), Lexile 910L
When Samantha left her family farm to work at the Lowell mills, she looked forward to having independence and being able to send money home to help her family. However, when she arrived, she learned that the Lowell mills aren't exactly what she expected. As Samantha learns more about Lowell from the other girls, she finds herself facing a difficult choice. Read The Mill Girl to find out what Samantha learns and how she makes her decision.
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Lesson Resources
Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Make, revise, and confirm predictions
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class