Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma
Yo-Yo Ma
Biography (nonfiction), 1,158 words, Level T (Grade 3), Lexile 930L
Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity
At the age of seven, Yo-Yo Ma was already a famous cellist. From his upbringing in Paris and New York City, Ma was saturated with the culture of classical music. With the support and wisdom of his parents, he emerged as one of the most prolific and well-respected musicians in the world. In Yo-Yo Ma, students will learn about the life and music of this remarkable man who forever changed the musical landscape.
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Reading Strategy
Summarize to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
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or whole class