The Plague!
The Plague!
The Plague!
The Plague!
The Plague!
The Plague!
The Plague!
Informational (nonfiction), 1,883 words, Level Z1 (Grade 5+), Lexile 1020L
Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity
Imagine half of the people of your city are suddenly gone. That's exactly what happened to many Europeans who survived the Black Death. In The Plague!, students will learn about the bubonic plague, which caused the deaths of half of the people of Europe in the 1300s. Engaging text and detailed graphics will keep students interested in learning about this important historical event.
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Standard Graphic Book
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Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Ask and answer questions to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class