Morty's Swim Surprise
Morty's Swim Surprise
Morty's Swim Surprise
Morty's Swim Surprise
Morty's Swim Surprise
Morty's Swim Surprise
Morty's Swim Surprise
Fantasy (fiction), 1,041 words, Level Q (Grade 3), Fiction Series, Lexile 760L
When Morty's dad decides to save some money by canceling their membership to the country club pool, Morty takes matters into his own hands. Enlisting the help of his two younger brothers, Morty decides to surprise their parents by building a pool in the backyard. Needless to say, nothing goes according to plan, and Morty's parents are beyond dismayed with the results.
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Lesson Resources
Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Make, revise, and confirm predictions
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class