Sam's Big Night
Sam's Big Night
Sam's Big Night
Sam's Big Night
Sam's Big Night
Sam's Big Night
Sam's Big Night
Realistic (fiction), 277 words, Lexile 480L Level 2 Grades 1-2
Sam has never stayed up until midnight, but this year he's sure he will be able to. Soon after his grandparents arrive, Sam starts to feel sleepy but the sound of popcorn popping wakes him up. When he starts to feel sleepy again, his parents' and grandparents' singing wakes him again. Finally when Sam thinks he just can't stay awake any longer, his grandfather calls to him-it's midnight!
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Main idea and details
- Make predictions
- Sequence events
- Story elements: Problem and solution
- Story elements: Identify setting
- Text-to-text connections
Grammar and Mechanics
- Exclamation marks
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
- Onomatopoeia
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.