Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Vroom Zoom! It's Race Day
Descriptive (nonfiction), 162 words, Lexile 410L Level 1 Grades K-1
This book describes what happens at a car race. The crowd sits down to watch the race. The driver puts on a helmet, seatbelt, and gloves. The people cheer as the cars race around the track. Sometimes a car spins out of control and a yellow flag tells the drivers to slow down and be careful. Race cars pull into the pit lane to get a change of tires and add gas. Then they are off again until the first car crosses over the finish line and wins the race.
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Author's purpose
- Main idea and details
- Make predictions
- Text-to-self connections
Text Features
- Analyze photographs
Concepts About Print
- Identify print concepts
- Initial consonant s-family blend
Grammar and Mechanics
- Punctuation
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
- Compound words
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.