Treasure From the Mud
Treasure From the Mud
Treasure From the Mud
Treasure From the Mud
Treasure From the Mud
Treasure From the Mud
Treasure From the Mud
Realistic (fiction), 798 words, Lexile 520L Level 3 Grades 2-3
Pablo and his friend Erin go out looking for gold, along with his mom and his dog, Pups. Along the way they find many interesting things, including the dog's old chew toy, a piece of calcite, an old boot, and a piece of topaz. Finally, they find a real treasure-the fossilized skull of a tendon lizard that lived in the area about 110 million years ago.
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Make predictions
- Story elements: Analyze character
- Story elements: Problem and solution
- Sequence events
- Text-to-self connections
Grammar and Mechanics
- Compound words
- Conjunctions and, but
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
- Suffixes -ful, -ly
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.