In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
Realistic (fiction), 226 words, Lexile 370L Level 2 Grades 1-2
For the school talent show, each student decides that he or she will perform what they like to do. Billy likes to sing, but he decides that he'll paint the backdrop for Meera's play and that everyone should sing together.
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Make predictions
- Reality and fantasy
- Sequence events
- Story elements: Analyze characters
- Text-to-self connections
- Initial consonant s- blends
Grammar and Mechanics
- Pronouns
- Punctuation
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.