America's Wild Horses: Living Free
America's Wild Horses: Living Free
America's Wild Horses: Living Free
America's Wild Horses: Living Free
America's Wild Horses: Living Free
America's Wild Horses: Living Free
America's Wild Horses: Living Free
Informational (nonfiction), 877 words, Lexile 810L Level 3 Grades 2-3
Although horses lived In North America millions of years ago, they disappeared around 8,000 BC. European explorers brought horses back to America. Many escaped and began to roam the West, forming wild herds. Over time, wild horses began to be viewed as pests by some people, and they were almost wiped out. Velma Johnston, however, fought to have laws passed to protect them. Wild horses, or mustangs, still roam the West, and disagreements remain over how they should be managed.
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Author's point of view
- Author's purpose
- Main idea and details
- Make predictions
- Text-to-self connections
Text Features
- Analyze photographs, illustrations and captions
Grammar and Mechanics
- Sentence types
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.