Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Frog's Mississippi River Adventure
Fantasy (fiction), 126 words, Lexile 480L Level 1 Grades K-1
Frog is bored so Grandpa takes him on a trip down the Mississippi River. They see birds, pass by a noisy town, high-five a fisherman who has just caught a big fish, and ride on a barge filled with coal. They hop off the barge and ride horses through a cotton field. Back on the river, they travel to where the river meets the sea.
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Make inferences/Draw conclusions
- Make predictions
- Sequence events
- Story elements: Problem and solution
- Text-to-self connections
Concepts About Print
- Print concepts
Phonological Awareness
- Final consonant /s/ sound
- Short vowel o
Grammar and Mechanics
- End punctuation
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.