Turtle! Tortoise!
Turtle! Tortoise!
Turtle! Tortoise!
Turtle! Tortoise!
Turtle! Tortoise!
Turtle! Tortoise!
Turtle! Tortoise!
Descriptive (nonfiction), 150 words, Lexile 420L Level 1 Grades K-1
How do you tell a turtle apart from a tortoise? It's true that both animals are reptiles with a shell. However, they are also different in many ways, including where they live and the shape of their shells.
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Compare and contrast
- Make predictions
- Main idea and details
- Text-to-text connections
Text Features
- Analyze graphic features
Concepts About Print
- Print concepts
- Initial consonant l-blends
Grammar and Mechanics
- End punctuation
Word Work
- Antonyms
- Book vocabulary
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.