Late Again!
Late Again!
Late Again!
Late Again!
Late Again!
Late Again!
Late Again!
Realistic (fiction), 835 words, Lexile 530L Level 3 Grades 2-3
Poor Ming-he's always late. Because he was late for school, he missed out on a muffin from his friend Daisy. He also missed being class monitor. Late returning from recess, he ran and fell in the mud. This made him late for science and the beginning of lunch. He took too long watching an ant carry a muffin crumb and he was late for class again. Each time he's late, Ming misses out on something. He tells himself he won't be late again, but guess what? The next morning he wakes up late again!
Lesson Resources
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Lesson Skills
Comprehension Skills and Strategies- Cause and effect
- Make predictions
- Sequence events
- Story elements: Analyze characters
- Text-to-self connections
Grammar and Mechanics
- Contractions
- Inflectional ending -ed
- Pronouns
Word Work
- Book vocabulary
Shared Writing and a Home Connection are integrated into one of the skills above.