U.S. Government

ELL Vocabulary Power Pack, U.S. Government

Students will learn academic and content-area vocabulary related to the three branches of the U.S. government by reading, speaking, listening, and writing about the executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch, and the system of checks and balances. High-interest text with engaging photographs and diagrams provide structured and scaffolded support for all language levels. Students will read closely, think critically, and cite evidence to answer the focus question: How is power divided in the U.S. government?

Student Resources

  • All Student Resources
  • Inform-and-Explain Graphic Organizer

Student Cards and Quizzes

Language Proficiency Level 1 and Level 2

Student Cards

Levels 1-2

Vocabulary Quiz

Language Proficiency Level 3 and Level 4

Student Cards

Levels 3-4

Vocabulary Quiz

Language Proficiency Level 5

Student Cards

Level 5

Vocabulary Quiz

Teacher Resources

Common Resources for All Packs