We Make a Snowman
Hacemos un muņeco de nieve
Nous faisons un bonhomme de neige
We Make a Snowman
We Make a Snowman
We Make a Snowman
We Make a Snowman
Realistic (fiction), 59 words, Level C (Grade K)
We Make a Snowman is a story about three children who go outside together on a snowy day. The friends play in the snow and make a snowman. At the end of the book they go inside the house and eat soup. The repetitive text pattern in this book is supported by delightful illustrations.
Book Resources
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Lesson Resources
Lesson plans exist for the English version of this book.
Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Use the strategy of asking and answering questions to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class