Día de los Muertos
El Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos
Informational (nonfiction), 368 words, Level K (Grade 2), Lexile 560L
Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity
Día de los Muertos explains a traditional celebration that has taken place in Mexico for thousands of years. In many parts of the world, people continue to hold celebrations around November 1 and 2 to honor people who have died. It is a time of happiness and joy, when loved ones are remembered, honored, and celebrated.
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Reading Strategy
Use the reading strategy of asking and answering questions to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class