Why Use Reading A-Z for Common Core
Our Common Core Standards pages explain in-depth how Reading A-Z provides what you need to meet the key instructional shifts of the Common Core State Standards in the areas of foundational skills, informational text, text complexity, close reading, text-dependent questions, academic vocabulary, writing, and assessment.
Our vast collection of resources provides opportunities for practicing skills expected on new standardized tests.
- Close examination of text
- Mastery of complex literary and informational reading
- Inferring meaning from what is read
- Answering text-dependent questions
- Building arguments using evidence from the text
How to Use Reading A-Z for Common Core
Reading A-Z offers an extensive collection of
800+ nonfiction books, including informational
texts in a variety of genres covering an array of topics. All books are available
in both printable and projectable formats.
- Books with lessons target specific skills and strategies along with supporting worksheets, a graphic organizer, a set of discussion cards and a comprehension quiz.
- Lesson Supplements for a selection of both nonfiction and fiction books address specific key shifts of lesson instruction. Each supplement features text-dependent questions, a written response to reading, and academic vocabulary words important to discussing the book.
- Comprehension Skill Packs provide direct and explicit instruction on up to 16 different comprehension skills to support your students' close reading of any text.
- Visual Devices feature explicit instruction on informational text elements, such as graphs, charts, maps, schedules, or other visual texts.
- Keep a checklist of high-frequency words. When a student learns a word, meaning they can read it quickly and efficiently, or write it without seeing the word, check off the word and move on to the next one.
- Our Paired Books lessons include a set of text-dependent questions that require students to closely read and compare and contrast two related texts.