Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Decodable Passages Set 23 Book 2
Realistic (fiction), Decodable Passages
The Decodable Passages Packs use a phonics-based approach to literacy instruction through simple, engaging stories. Set 23, Book 2 introduces students to VV (po/et, cre/ate); [әn] in final (unstressed) syllable vowel patterns (ain, an, en/t, on/d); [әl] (al, el, il) [әt] (et, it, ute); [әr] with r-controlled vowels (ar, er, or); hard/soft g; hard/soft c; ie/ei vowel teams.