Assess how well students comprehend what is read with oral retellings. Use retellings in a three-part process with a Benchmark Passage or Benchmark Book running record and a comprehension quiz. The three-part assessment provides an in-depth analysis of a student's reading behavior and comprehension skills. Score retellings with Retelling Rubrics for fiction and nonfiction text.
Oral retellings with rubrics for scoring provide specific details expected from every student
so teachers can judge each retelling with the same criteria. Retellings can happen quickly and
easily after every reading experience once students understand what is expected. Retellings
also provide opportunities for students to practice speaking skills important in language arts
How to Use Retelling Rubrics
After reading a Benchmark Passage or Benchmark Book (or any reading material) ask the student to tell you about the story or text in as much detail as she or he can remember.
If the student has difficulty retelling parts of the story or remembering certain details of the text, use prompts such as "Tell me more about..." or "What happened after...?".
Analyze the retelling for information the student gives about: